Mountain Bike Season 2024

Another fun Mountain Biking season with the Morgan NICA team is in the books.  Loyd and Xavier were both on the high school team this year and Dustin put in many hours as a Level II coach again.  I just love that they have this great opportunity to bond, enjoy nature, and have a great time together and with new mountain biking friends. What a joy in our life!

Diana practicing her best horn blows for cheering on the sidelines!

Pre-ride lunch at the Morgan team tent.  Yum!

Xavier race day action shots

Loyd race day action shots

We also decided to do double duty on the Cedar City race and turned it into a mini Phillips Reunion.  Jenny and her husband, Liz and her family, and Grandma Phillips all met us in Cedar City for a fun weekend of watching Green Shows and The Taming of the Shrew at the Utah Shakespeare Festival.  All the performances were beyond wonderful!  The cousins all had a super amazing time of playing together at the cute cabin recreation area we all stayed at.  Every family had their own cute cabin and we enjoyed the beautiful outdoors together.  We also snuck in a fun short hike to a little water fall and cave at Squaw Cavern.  What a perfect way to spend a weekend.  Family, fun, bikes, and theater!


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