Family Pictures 2024

I don't know how my Cousin Zoie does it, but every time she does our family pictures she captures moments of magic.  I love these people more than I can express and it's so fun spending an evening together capturing moments on film to help us remember these precious years together with the most amazing people ever.  Family is for Forever!  What an amazing blessing!

Dustin and Audrey - 20 years of happily ever after and counting.  

Rebekah - 18 yrs old, on her way to BYU for college, mastered the art of being an awesome sister, and has the kindest heart around

Loyd - 16 years old, driving the car legally, and working hard every day to be his very best.  He is so amazing and I don't even know why I am so blessed to call this hard working, talented, spiritually minded, and kind kid mine.  He's going places in life and he's not afraid to put in the work to get there.

Xavier - 15 yrs old, a newly minted high school freshman, super fun to hang out with, deep thinker, great friend, and always willing to try something new.  This boy rocks!  I have so much fun being Xavier's mom. I love watching him grow and get even cooler every day,

Maeve! - 12 yrs old, learning the clarinet like a pro, and astounding us always with her creativity in art, music, writing, and conversation.  Maeve can make any moment magical with her adventurous spirit and her desire to look on the bright and fun side of life no matter what comes her way. 

Owen - 9 yrs old, super brave brother, super tender big brother, super fun brother and friend. Owen lives on the straight and narrow, always trying to do what is right.  He is a valiant soul who loves to have a good time.  He's a computer game pro, night game enthusiast, and best little boy a mother could ask for. 

John - 6 yrs old, the embodiment of joy and pure love.  This kid has an obedient heart and a loving heart.  He gives the best hugs, has the best grins, and the loudest, fullest belly laughs.  John is tender and thoughtful and a light to all those who are lucky enough to know him.  John is beloved. 

Diana - 18 months old, surprising us every day with new words, wide smiles, feats of physical awesomeness, and all the love, light, and fun you bring into the family every day. Diana is joy and joyful in our family.  I'm so grateful for her.   

I snagged a mother/daughter moment with my mom too!  How lucky am I to have this amazing woman as my mother, mentor, and friend.  I learn from her every day and hope that one day I can be worthy of the great blessing of being her daughter.  I am blessed beyond words. 


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