
The weather this summer has been perfect.  We can hardly wait to get ourselves outside every day to enjoy the beauties of the earth and to play.  Here are a few moments of outdoor bliss from this month.  I know we'll need these visual reminders in the cold of winter that summer really did happen and wasn't just a beautiful dream.  

Meals outside are fun.
Slowing down to smell the flowers and appreciate the beauty of the garden is great. 

Park Splash Pad time is always fun.

Getting the best tour of the county ambulance from Aunt Karen at the library summer reading party is pretty sweet.  

Swing set fun is the best!  

Sitting in soft, cool grass might be even better.

But playing with brothers and sisters (and sometimes bunnies) is the absolute best of all.  

Like childhood, summer is far too fleeting.  I am enjoying every moment of it with these beautiful, precious children of mine.  How blessed I am.  My cup runneth over. 


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