Harvest Season has Begun!

John and Loyd are my best vegetable garden helpers.  John has especially caught the harvesting bug this year.  He finds great joy and peace in the garden. I love to see how it sparks his curiosity, builds his confidence, and calms his anxieties as he walks through the garden, choosing which veggies are ready to pick, and soaking up the healing sunshine.  Gardens are magic.  

This year Dustin tried his hand at potato farming.  It's time to harvest his potatoes and John was 100% onboard to help.  He was digging through the dirt with Dustin looking for cute little purple and red potatoes and tossing them into the bowl to go into the kitchen for dinner.  Looking up from all his hard work, John exclaimed with the biggest smile ever, "Look Mom!  I'm a farmer!"  I just love this little kid.  I am a blessed mother indeed to share his childhood. 

The vegetable garden
Some yummy gifts from the garden this year. 


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