Computer Summer

You might be a Cornelius if you have an unnatural enthusiasm for computers.  This summer was a big year for new computers for the big kids.  Loyd worked hard and saved his money to buy himself a new PC to play all his favorite games with his friends Libby and Bjorn.  Dustin hade fun helping Loyd build his new computer.  
John had fun playing with the boxes the computer parts came in.  I'm with John on this one.  :D 

Bekah has built a pretty intense and wonderfully nerdy computer kingdom with I think 3 new computers, but none of them make sense to me.  ;P 

Xavier has to make due with his old laptop, but he did buy himself a fancy new portable monitor and Grandma Phillips got him a pretty slick new computer desk.   
Diana is now banished by baby gate to the upstairs to keep her out of everyone's wires.  :D 


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