Spring Break!

This last week was Spring Break for us.  I did my prep work for having all the kids and Dustin home.  I gave up on house work, bought double the amount of groceries I usually do, and lined up free, fun activities and play dates for everyday of the break in hopes of keeping the natives occupied.  Yea for library programs, great friends, and perfect park weather!  Here's some pictures of the fun we had this week.

Petting Zoo at the Freeman Memorial Library

 Pete the Cat visiting the library.  Can you see how many buttons Pete has?

 Face Painting and Balloon Animals.  What more can a kid ask for at the library?


Snack Break at the Park

It was fun to do so many fun things together.  We all enjoyed sleeping late and getting ready at a leisurely pace too, especially with Daylight Savings.  But, it sure will be nice to get back to our regular schedule and weekly grocery consumption.  :)


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