Living Museum Fun

Rebekah as Joy Adamson with Elsa the Lion (the Webkin kind since it is in an elementary school)
This week Rebekah took part in the annual Second Grade Living Museum.  Each of the children were able to choose a famous person from world history.  Then they researched that person, wrote and memorized a short 30 second monologue about the famous person's life, and dressed up in character on the day of the museum activity.  They presented their character at the Living Museum activity in the school library on Friday.  Parents were able to walk around and listen to the children's speeches.  It was really fun to see all the work the kids put into their presentations as we walked around listening to each of them. 

Rebekah chose to be Joy Adamson of Born Free fame.  She did a fabulous job memorizing her part and doing the research to learn about Ms Adamson.  Here is a video of her at the Living Museum.  Sorry for all of the back ground noise.

Rebekah's speech: "My name is Joy Adamson.  I was born January 20, 1910.  I lived most of my life in Kenya.  I am an animal rights activist, conservationist, and journalist.  In the 1950s I studied lions in Africa.  I had to raise three lion cubs.  Elsa was my favorite lioness cub.  I wrote my most famous book about her.  It is called Born Free."

Rebekah's class in the Living Museum costumes.  Rebekah is in the back row, second from the right, next to Bach. 

And then to end the week's post with some fun pictures of Miss Maeve dressing up in a fabulous scarf.  :)

Extreme Close Up!  :D


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