Fair Time!

It's Morgan County Fair time!  We had a BLAST at our first ever rodeo.  Diana learned to say "bull" because she was so excited by the bull riding events.  She loved it all.  We all had fun cheering for the talented and athletic cowboys and cowgirls.  We'll definitely have to make that a tradition.  

Maeve showed CiCi at the fair with 4-H.  She did a great job presenting her rabbit and sharing her bunny knowledge.   Both girl and bunny earned blue ribbons.

Owen, John, Maeve, and Rebekah all put indoor arts and crafts entries for the fair and they all got blue ribbons too!

And of course we had fun playing the free family games at the fair and eating lots and lots of fair food.  It was a great week of country fun. 

Maeve and CiCi

Pretty serious mini golf
Foam bubbles party!


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