100s Day!, Angel Blankets, Valentine Treats, and Snow Day Fun

We made it to the 100h day of Kindergarten!  As a reward for his hard work, John got to celebrate at school with lots of 100 themed activities, crafts, and prizes.  My favorite prize was this 100 Dollars from his teacher, made special for John.  When I showed it to Dustin he said, "WOW!  We're rich!"  To which John immediately and with no-nonsense tone replied, "No, I'M rich!" We all cracked up over that reminder that what is ours is John's and what is John's is John's.  :D

I finished two baby Afghans for the hospital Angel Blanket program.  They will be given to grieving families who suffer the loss of a baby.  

Valentine's Day arrived in all of it's candy, compliment, and treat glory.  Love notes were written each day for 10 days to children and Dustin expressing my love for them and identifying their gifts and talents, chocolates were delivered to ministering sisters, and healthy fun treats were creatively made for elementary class parties.  It was a fun love holiday extravaganza! I'm glad it's all done. ;D 

This year I get to be Owen's 3rd Grade class room mom.  That means I get to organize and plan fun activities and treats for Owen and his cute school friends throughout the year.  This month every year, 3rd Grade celebrates a fun snow day activity outside, but this year we had no snow!  So instead we got to have fun no-snow snow themed activities inside and even made some fantastic toilet paper snowmen.  We had a blast!  I'm so grateful I can be part of Owen's school experience and helping him to make fun school memories.  


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