Little Moments

It's the little interactions between the kids that make my heart sing and stay in my heart.  I love when they share their talents and skills with each other to brighten the day of a younger sibling.  

Bekah shared her skill and supplies with Owen when she taught him how to make a cool looking jet sculpture out of cardboard, hot glue, and lots and lots of beads.  

Maeve took time each evening in November to read to John before bedtime to help him reach his reading log goal for the PBS Kids reading challenge.  I love how intently he listens to her and I love how much drama and spirit Maeve puts into each book.  


Squeezed into my little narrow bathroom Diana took her first bath with just about all of her brothers and sisters there to watch and lend a helping hand.  I had way more help than I knew what to do with, but I'm sure glad she has such a great support system of people who love her and want to make sure she is taken care.  Lucky baby. 


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