Christmas Season 2022

It's Christmas time and with that brings lots of fun traditions and events.  This year didn't disappoint.  We had fun decorating chocolate gingerbread houses from a kit.  However, I think we enjoyed eating the houses more than decorating them.  :)  John made another graham cracker house in preschool that was super cute.  Too bad it didn't last more than 10 minutes at home before John gobbled up all the tasty treats on it.  

We attended a fun school band concert with Loyd and Xavier.  Loyd was in the high school band and Xavier was in the 7th grade beginning band.  The hit song of the evening was a piece dedicated to Krampus and included the horrified screaming of children who wake up to no presents on Christmas.  

Maeve took part in the annual 4th Grade Community Carol.  She drove around town with her class singing Christmas carols to the community.  

Grandma and Grandpa Cornelius and Uncles Jason and Jared came over for a yummy Christmas Eve dinner.  Dustin made the best smoked ham ever for the occasion.  

Christmas day was lovey day filled with gifts for good children (all of our children were very good this year, of course) and a lovely Sacrament Meeting since Christmas was on Sunday this year.  

Merry Christmas to all our friends and family!  

Maeve is the cutie in the beautiful bright red coat.  4th Grade Caroling

All ready for Christmas Eve dinner.  Yum!

Christmas Morning

Look what Rebekah stitched and Santa got framed!!!!  Rebekah created this original cross stitch masterpiece all on her own.  She designed it and created her own pattern.  Would you believe it is her first big cross stitch project?!  She has such a talent with arts and crafts.  I'm very proud of her.  

 Two cuties festively dressed for the Christmas Season.  So Cute!


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