Utah Here We Come!

Legacy (Black), Tornado (Dove Grey), Tangee (Tan Brown)
We all looked forward to the 3 day car trip to Grandma's house, even the gerbils!

It's that time again.  Time for our traditional summer time trek to Utah!  This year the journey to Utah was almost as busy as our actual visit with family so I thought I would break the trip down into a couple of posts.  

Oh, and we got a new gerbil friend!  Can you see our sweet little grey Tornado?  He joined the family in June.  He was all alone in the pet store and told Rebekah and I that he really needed to come home with us to be part of a big, happy gerbil family.  We couldn't tell him no so home he came.  He has been welcomed with open hearts by everyone!

The drive to Grandma and Grandpa P's house in Utah takes us 24 hours on the road.  We broke that up over three days and did a little bit of sight seeing along the way.  Our first stop was Amarillo.  We hoped to stop at the Big Texan restaurant, but got in too late. 

 The second day we drove to Cortez, Colorado.  We briefly stopped at the visitor's center for the Mesa Verde National Park.  We didn't have time to explore, but but we learned a little about the cliff dwelling Native American tribes who lived in the area anciently and took in some beautiful landscapes. 

Day three took us through my birth place of Monticello, Utah.  We stopped by the Monticello Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Temple and Loyd's Lake.  I even tried my very best to help the kids see the horse head on the mountains.  Too bad I'm still the only one that can see it. 

 Look how full the lake is!  It was a banner year for snow pack and rain in Utah this year. 
Thanks to a super mild Spring and early Summer the temperatures were cool enough to send these hot blooded Texans scrambling for our jackets as we hiked around Loyd's Lake. 

Last of all, we snuck in a detour to visit Arches National Park in Moab, Utah along our way to Morgan.  We were wonder struck by the breathtaking vistas of red rock, mountains, and seemingly impossible arches and rock formations.  What a wonderful treat to drive through some of God's most strange and beautiful country. 

After all that driving, three hotel stays, and lots of fun mini side trips we finally made it to Morgan, Utah!  It was so wonderful to see Grandma and Grandpa Phillips again that Owen declared the card trip to "Not be that bad." after all.  I guess Grandma makes any trip totally worth it as long as she is the smiling face at the end of the journey.  :)
Kevin and Mary Jane Phillips, Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren, June 2019


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