My Hurricane Harvey Miracle

We made it home last night to find our home safe and dry. We are so thankful for that HUGE blessing. The roads were clear and easy to drive home, but boy they weren't kidding when they said there was a gas shortage. Prior to leaving the Dallas/Fort Worth area we had to drive around to many gas stations and a small few towns for about an hour before finally finding a gas station with a little bit of fuel left. We waited in line for another 40 minutes and then finally filled our tanks before we left the Dallas area. We crossed our fingers that we could somehow coast into League City on fumes since we knew that was the last of the gas we would see on our trip.  The trip between League City and Dalls is a road trip that usually takes at least 1 fill-up along the way, especially with a mini-van filled with kids, supplies, and topped with a cargo carrier. Our normal gas milage is around 17mpg.  Loaded down as we were, that was a wishful number for the logical person to make.  We knew we were suppose to go home and trusted in the Lord he would make the gas we had somehow enough for our trip.  We hoped for a miracle. 

I want to testify that we lived a miracle that day.  I know our van and our Camery were pushed by angels. For the first 100 miles of my trip in the mini-van I watched in tearful awe as my gas gauge didn't move at all. I felt the Holy Ghost whisper to my mind that this was done so that I might know that a miracle was taking place and that the Lord knew were I was and would take care of me on our journey.  Then, I watched as my gas gauge slowly ticked down slightly passed the 3/4 mark over the course of the remaining 180+ miles.  The Spirit bore witness that this small dip in my gas gauge was to be a witness to others that such a thing truly was a miracle and not simply the trick of a broken or faulty gas gauge.  

We made the drive from Dallas to Houston on a little more than 1/4 of a tank of gas. It was a miracle. The hand of the Lord was made obvious in our trip home. We know we are suppose to be here, in League City, to help and serve our dear neighbors and friends. Words cannot express the love of the Lord I have felt in my life over the past few days.  I have help the clear, unmistakable voice of the Holy Ghost bear witness to me of God's ability to do miracle in our day, for me.  I have felt the love of God surround me and let me know that I matter to Him, even though I am but one small person. I have come to see more clearly that I am richly blessed indeed.  

God is good.  God is real.  God is mindful of us personally.  God is a God of miracles.  God is a God of Love and Mercy.

(The car trip took place on Thursday, August 31, 2017.  The account was written September 1, 2017)


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