End of Summer, 1st Day of School 2017-2018, Great North American Eclipse 2017

Enjoying the final moments of the summer.  It's sunny and it's raining.  Typical, SouthEast Texas weather.  :)
It's the start of another school year and a very exciting school year for us! 
Rebekah is beginning Intermediate School this year as a 6th Grader at Seabrook Intermediate's Science Magnet program.  I am so proud of how wonderfully she is growing up.  She works hard and loves to learn.  She is a good friend and a good sister and daughter.  You're going to rock intermediate school, Bekah!

 Loyd is a big 4th Grader this year.  He has a great teacher and some fun friends in his class.  He can't wait to start learning and working hard at school again.  Loyd is a great student.  He always tries hard and finds the fun in any task.  He is a great friend and a great example of how to be kind to others.  I am so blessed to have Loyd as my very own little boy.  I learn so much about joy and laughter and fun from him every day.  Yea 4th Grade!

2nd Grade, What!?!  Xavier is growing up too fast.  This year he starts 2nd Grade and is ready to rock the school with his awesomeness.  I love having Xavier in school because I get tons of compliments from teachers and other students about how wonderful and kind and responsible and hard working Xavier is.  I know all those traits are all him and I have very little to do with them, but I still enjoy hearing how wonderful my little boy is and how other people recognize how wonderful this ray of sunshine in my life really is.
The first day of school also happend to be the day of the Great North American Solar Eclipse, August 21st.  The big kids got to see the eclipse at school using special eclipse glasses the school district purchased for all of the students.  That was over 47,000 pairs of eclipse glasses!  Those of us still at home didn't get free eclipse glasses from the school district so we purchased ours ahead of time on Amazon and enjoyed the beauty and wonder of the partial eclipse seen in Texas from the comfort of our own backyard.  It was so fun to see and the kids got really excited about seeing the sun during the day with their special glasses.  Super fun day!

 Check out who is old enough to mow the lawn now!!  Oh sweet yard work freedom for me!!


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