Turkey Talk

Here's my latest doily creation.  :)  This one is for Thanksgiving.  I'm making steady progress toward my goal to make a holiday doily for each of the major holidays. 

I couldn't pass up this crochet pattern for Thanksgiving, especially considering it is Grandma Phillips' favorite holiday and Great Grandma Zoie loved to tell us such great Turkey finger plays when I was a little girl.  So, along with my doily, and in honor of Grandma Zoie here are the two finger plays she told to me and my sisters the most during that thankful time of year:

Here is a turkey with his tail spread wide. 
       (put your left hand over your right hand, fingers spread wide apart like turkey feathers)
He sees a farmer coming so he's going to hide. (quickly hide your hand behind your back)
He runs across the barnyard with a wobble wobble,  
      (bring your turkey hand, fingers spread wide, back out and wiggle it back and forth like a         
       turkey waddle)
Talking turkey talk: GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE!

The Turkey
It lay there on the table
The turkey plump and round.
When it was time to cook it,
It was no where to be found.
We looked all through the kitchen
and in the pantry well.
We asked Jane if she had seen it,
And Kate and Anna Belle.
Even tiny Mary,
We asked her if she knew about the missing turkey--
And she said "Why, 'tourse I do! Poor turkey
       didn't feel very well, because he lost his head,
I put my nightie on him and tucked him in my bed."

No one loves you like your grandma does, and you never quite love anyone like you love your own grandma.  What a lucky little girl I was to have Grandma Zoie as my very own grandma!  Happy Fall!


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