Imagination Celebration 2014

Saturday was the annual school district's Imagination Celebration of the arts for elementary aged kids and their families.  We always love to go and enjoy the beautiful student artwork, explore the instrument petting zoo hosted by the Houston Symphony, and take part in lots and lots of fun crafts.  We managed to try all of the crafts offered, get our faces painted and have a wonderful time together.  New this year, Rebekah and her friend Ella were able to walk around and do the crafts on their own without an adult to tag along.  They had a great time stretching their independent wings at the event.  It's amazing to me how quickly Rebekah is growing and how independent she is getting.  It's fun to see how all the kids are growing.  Yea for the Arts and for a great local community who really appreciate how important they are!  

Here's just a random cute picture of our little Miss Maeve from this week I wanted to share too . She's all snuggled in with her favorite nap time buddies, Teddy Bear, Lambie, and Snuffle Dragon (I'm sure we have the names of the dragon and lamb wrong, but oh well.)  She sure loves these guys.  :)


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