Toddler Bed for Toddler Maeve!

Maeve decided it was time for her to get a big-girl bed this week.  She refused to sleep in her crib any longer and proceeded to make all of our lives miserable with tantrums, crying, and daring escapes until Dad broke down and pulled the toddler bed out on Monday night.  Maeve did great staying in her bed at bed time and nap time for the most part, but there were a few nights of a hysterically giggling little girl running down the hall in utter glee at her new independence when she should have been fast asleep in her snugly new bed.  Do you know how very hard it is to remain stern when you see how happily she is being naughty? :) Silly little girl. At least she knows her own mind and isn't afraid to let us know it!
Rebekah cracked me up yesterday.  I was asking what everyone wanted for breakfast, waffles or eggs and hash browns.  When I got to Dustin and Rebekah I got the same typical answer for this pair, "I don't know.  You choose."  When I complained that they never have an opinion on things, Rebekah corrected me soundly.  She declared from the floor of her bedroom surrounded by Legos, "Yes, I do to have an opinion on things.  I just don't know what it is."   What a great insight into my husband and my daughter.  They crack me up.  I'll never totally understand them, but I sure do love them.  :)


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