First Day of Trooper School Preschool!

Tuesday was Xavier's first day of Trooper School Preschool!  It's been a long wait for him to go back to school because he has such a wonderful time with all of his teachers and friends.  He had a wonderful time back to school this week.  He gets to play outside, do fun arts and crafts, learn his letters, numbers, and colors, and exercise his social and imaginative skills the entire time he is there.  I drop him and the older kids off at school in the morning and then I get to walk to pick Xavier up in the afternoon.  The walk is much shorter than it use to be (They moved the pick up location to the back of the school.), and I get to hear all about Xavier's preschool adventures as we walk home together.  It's a great bonding time for us.  I love the new/old routine.  I'm looking forward to lots and lots of walks  home from preschool this year.

Poor Maeve was a bit mopey without her big brother to keep her company during the day, but I'm trying to take her to lots of library Story Times and Preschoolers at Play activities to help fill up her days with engaging, educational fun.  The first day of preschool she didn't let me out of her sight once.  She was a bit lost without Xavier to tag around with.  I guess she enjoyed having Xavier home to play with more than I thought. 

My cute sister Liz, sent me a package in the mail last weekend, via Grandma P.  Inside was a cute Halloween sign she found in Utah, but needed to get sent back home to Texas ASAP.  I couldn't wait to show off my cute new sign.  :)  I'm sure glad it was able to make it back home to the right state after getting lost in Utah.  ;)  "Boo, Ya'll" is fun to say, but so is "Merry Christmas, Ya'll!"  Maybe all holiday greetings are more fun if you add "Ya'll" at the end.  :) 
Tuesday night I dragged the family to the school district ExtravaBanza at the stadium across the street.  We walked over after dinner and spent a couple of hours watching all the high school marching bands perform their half time shows.  It was a lot of fun and the kids had a great time.  They all woke up this morning asking if we could go again today.  What a bummer it happens just once a year. 

The kids are all excited to play in the school band now when they get bigger and Dustin is mentally preparing himself for the cost of all those instruments and lessons.  :)  I blew all of their minds when I told them I was in the band when I was in high school and I was even the band president.  That earned me some temporary respect, until they found out I was no longer the band president.  I guess past accomplishments hold no water with kids.  :)  I didn't have the heart to go on to tell them that our marching band just wore t-shirts and tried to not sound too terrible when we walked in the parade once a year.  It wasn't anything as cool as the bands we saw last night, complete with color guard dancers, props, and hats topped with big white feathers and all.  Now we know why each high school band gets its own semi-truck trailer to haul all of their gear around.  Yea for musical brainwashing and future dreams of band fun!

Cornelius Kids Instrument Choice Breakdown:

Rebekah - Recorder, but since those aren't in the band she might settle for clarinet
Loyd - Sousaphone! / Tuba (with the stories coming out of this kid I think he has the hot air necessary to pull this off)
Xavier - Drums (future percussionist)
Maeve - Triangle (Xavier picked it for her.  He thinks she would have fun with that instrument.  Great, two percussionists in one family.  Help me!)


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