Invasion of Angry Birds Space!

Note Xavier's Saturn V rocket toy.  He takes it everywhere and even sleeps with it.  It is his new favorite toy, along with his Dr. Who TARDIS, of course.  He's such a cool kid.  :)
 Xavier, Maeve and I went to Space Center while everyone else was at school this week.  Xavier was in Rocket heaven.  Basically, NASA Space Center is almost as exciting as Disney Land for our little rocket enthusiast.  We watched rocket movies, explored math and music experiments, played in the big climbing toy, built with Legos, tried on real replicas of space helments (which are not lite, by the way), and pretended to be Space Angry Birds.  We had a ton of fun and were sad to go, but there is always next week now that we have a season pass.  :)

Here is the Angry Bird Space Gang.  Those Bad Piggies better watch out for this upset crew!  :)


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