Rebekah: The Crafty Cornelius

Bekah has been busy practicing and developing her many talents lately.  She loves all things creative and can't get enough of arts and crafts.  Here are just a few of her recent accomplishments.
Bekah is modeling her latest sewing project.  She made these cute jungle PJs by herself.  She said her favorite part is the cute little bow on the front.  She was so excited to get these done that she wore them for 2 days straight.  Good thing we finished them on a holiday weekend.  ;)
 Bekah found a how-to book of crafts in our home library.  She has eagerly done 2-3 projects from the book every day.  She reads the instructions, gathers the materials, and makes her masterpieces all by herself.  She is very creative and has a ingenious mind for solving problems. 

This is Maeve sporting her Earth Day crown that Rebekah made just for her.  Bekah made a matching one for her to wear too.  The boys were totally jelous they didn't get a cool crown.  Sorry boys, maybe next time. 
Rebekah has also been experimenting with writing.  She has tried her had at many genres. 

Inspirational / Self Help

 (The first step in winning is believing you can.)

Fiction / Picture Books

 (The Gingerbread Class!  Dedicated to Mrs Junco.)

 (First they saw Joe and Jr. (the class guinea pigs).  They said, "You'll make a great snack!  So the gingerbread class said, "You can't catch us.  We're too fast!"  So they ran out and off they went.)

 (And next they ran into the library.  The librarian said, "Me want a cookie!" and she ran, but they ran away.)

 (Next, they found a school! And they lived happily ever after!)

 (The End.  Merry Christmas)

Graphic Novels / Comic Books

 (Please!) - I believe this is a very polite stick-up robbery situation

 ("There's a robber!")

 ("Let's go fight crime." / "Ok!")

How-To / Instructional

Here's What you need:
  • Construction paper - gray
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue
1.  Make a body
2.  Make the head
3. Glue the body and the head"

As you can see, our Rebekah has been quite a busy little lady.  I hope you enjoyed the fruits of her creativity just has much as we do!


Anonymous said…
Loved this post! Bekah's books are fantastic (the self-help was my favorite) and I am really impressed that she is a sewing first grader! That's awesome.

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