Thumb Sucking Strikes Again and Annual Barn Fieldtrip Fun

Well, it's official.  Maeve is a thumb sucker.  I have documented evidence.  That makes my count of thumb/finger sucking children come to 3/4.  They all have their own particular style.  I just hope they all quit before they get baptized. ;)  In any case, I'm sure Dustin will be rethinking his profession when the orthodontia bills start rolling in.  ;)

 Just couldn't resist.  I had to include a cute smiling baby Maeve picture.  She's my little doll.  :)

Loyd and Xavier have been having a lot of fun playing trains together lately.  They help each other build some pretty neat, long tracks and then drive their happy trains on important errands.  It makes me smile when I see them playing so well together.  It's moments like this I have to remember when I hear Xavier hollering down the hall, "Mom!  Loyd hit me!" and Loyd yelling back, "Xavier's taking all my toys!  He has to share!"  Ah, the joys of siblings.  :)

Trooper School had their annual walking field trip to the high school barn this week.  We got to tag along and look at all sorts of fun cows, goats, sheep, pigs, and chickens.  I didn't get very many pictures of Loyd at the barn. He moves entirely too fast for a mommy wearing one baby and trying to keep track of a busy toddler.  I think Loyd fed half the cows, pet all of the goats and sheep, turned up his nose at the stinky chickens, and giggled at most of the pigs.  He especially loved it when a particularly grateful/curious animal would lick his hand.  I'm not quite sure how thrilled I was with that. I'm very grateful for hand sanitizer and lots of hand washing.  ;)

 Xavier had a lot of fun seeing all of the animals at the barn, but it took him a long time to get brave enough to actually touch one.  When I would ask if he wanted to pet a soft looking sheep or a curious goat he would quickly fold his arms across his chest, twist his torso away from the aformentioned animal, and firmly declare with a bit of a huff, "No!  I don't want to."

Yet, as you can see, he eventually warmed up and bravely petted a few sheep and goats, and even one cow.  He loved it.

 Xavier decided to spend most of his time feeding this lucky cow. 

 They both enjoyed their time together. 

We couldn't resist taking a picture of this sheep with a cool haircut.  Loyd and Xavier both declared it to be their favorite animal at the farm. 


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