Last of Summer Fun

Exploring science at the Planetarium

With Summer slipping too quickly through our fingers we decided to use up some of our great free and half price admission tickets from the PBS Kids reading-a-thon we earned last November.  In a whirlwinds of fun we visited the Hanson Planetarium (We loved watching a star show in the domed theater), exploring the awesome Discovery Gateway Children's Museum, and discovering the fabulous Utah Museum of Natural History.  We also picked up a few free books, lots of snacks, and plenty of drive time as we visited all of these fun places located in Salt Lake City.  

It's hard to pick a favorite activity, but I think the little kids really loved the children's museum best and I loved the museum of natural history the best of all.  We are all so thankful for opportunities to learn and explore these great places this summer.  Thank you Utah PBS!

But of course the best activity of all this summer was playing at Grandma's house and knowing that Grandma loves us so very much.  :) 



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