Rose Dr Spring Garden

My mom has been working hard with me for the past 3 months to create a beautiful backyard garden for my Morgan home.  She helped me kill lots of grass, create an artistic garden bed across the yard, prep and plant lots and lots of beautiful flowers, bushes, trees, and veggies.  She even found a very fun face for the maple tree to add a bit of whimsy to the yard.  We weeded, mulched, and planted for hours and hours.  The result is a very beautiful garden that feels so peaceful and beautiful.  I can't wait to see how it fills in and grows over the coming years.  This has been such a wonderful project to do with my ever talented mother.  
vegetable garden bed
Silver maple tree and snowball bush

fruitless cherry bush with pig squeek hostas
second silver maple with pansies
heavenly smelling purple and white iris

large silver maple by Dustin's future office
Daddy's favorite, peonies.  I think he pushed these to bloom early from Heaven so I could take him a few for Memorial Day.  

So I did.  :) 

I think columbines must be one of my mom's favorite flowers because she could hardly bring some over from her beautiful yard and plant them in mine fast enough.  What a beautiful mountain flower made all the more beautiful because it came from my mom's yard. 

I guess after all of that hard work over many months mother nature decided to bless us with a cool double rainbow right over our house.  :) 


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