Hiking the M!

The little kids have been begging and begging to hike to the M on the mountain behind our house.  The M is for Morgan and a much loved community  touchstone.  The kids have heard all about how cool the hike up there is from their local friends and want to get in on the action too.  Loyd and Xavier hiked up there with the Young Men from our Ward and came home with stories of nearly sliding off the mountain and barely making it home from this crazy hard hike.  Maeve, Owen, and John hiked the M the following Friday morning nearly sprinting up the steep trail the whole way with lots of energy and no troubles or complaints the whole way.  HAHA  I think the big kids need to get out and exercise more often.  John has been so excited about hiking all the way to the M by himself that every time he sees it he has to tell me, "I hike the M all by myself!"

Wild flower break for Mom and Dad on our way up the trail to the M.  I just love the red rock and the beautiful flowers.  

Hanging out on top of the M.
Check out those views!
Dustin calling home to wave at the big boys.

Stopping to say hi to Grandpa P after out hike. 



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