Spring Break Fun with Friends

We had lots of chances for work and play this Spring Break!

  • Owen had a play date at the park with his good friend Preston
  • We saw the new exhibit at Space Center NASA and we saw the Falcon 9 Rocket new on display.  So cool!
  • Lots and lots of house painting
  • 1st Swim Lesson at South Shore Fitness Center for Xavier, Maeve, and Owen
  • And the highlight of the whole week was our beach day with our friends the Archers!  BOOM!  Beach Day at El Jardine!  

Owen and Preston at the Hometown Heroes Park, March 2020

El Jardine Beach, Pasadena, TX, March 2020 with Wesley, Abby, Emily, Evan, and Dana(Mom) Archer.

 There is no such thing as a bad beach day!


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