Love is in the Air

 Happy Valentine's Day Season 2020!  We are happy to announce that I only had to make 2 Valentine boxes at home and Owen made his fancy box at preschool.  Owen for the craft win!  Here are some fun pictures of our Valentine's Day celebrations.

Xavier sporting his "Wings of Fire" Dragon Valentine's day box.  We reused the dragon topper Grandma Phillips made for Xavier's Kindergarten Character Halloween Pumpkin (Puff the Magic Dragon).  When I pulled it out and it worked perfectly for our box Xavier asked in wonder, "How does Grandma know what we need even when she isn't here??!"  My response, "Because Grandma's are magic." 
 Owen peeking in his overflowing preschool Valentine's Day box of goodies.

 Maeve partying it up at her 1st Grade school Valentine's Day party.  Yummy treat and a sweet "Dragons Love Tacos" themed box.  Dragons really love Valentine's!
Happy Valentine's Day, All Ya'll!


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