I love you, Daddy

I lost my Daddy on November 5th, 2019.  What a strange feeling to not have him here any more.  My Dad was many wonderful tings and many trying things, but no matter what he was always there for me.  I have learned so much from him and owe so many wonderful aspects of who I am to who he raised me to be through his example.  I didn't always appreciate or understand him, but I will forever be grateful he was my dad.  This world is full of imperfect people and my Daddy was no exception, but he has some pretty amazing strengths too. It is through his strengths that he has strengthened us, leaving us a legacy of laughter, love and family.

With sadness and gratitude I want to express to my Dad how much I will miss him here for the rest of my mortal experience. I always knew that he loved me and was proud of me. Dad taught me how to be generous, how be loyal, how to laugh at myself, and how to work hard. I love you Daddy. I'll miss you, but I know it isn't forever. I'm so grateful for the goodness of God to give us the Plan of Salvation and a Savior who loves all of us so much He gave us the gifts of the Atonement and Resurrection. I'm so happy you are my Daddy. 

Check out the wonderful, loving, wacky family Kevin and Mary Jane built together! 

My wedding day with the most important people in the world to me. May 1, 2004.

Love you, Daddy.


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