The Mighty Power of the Atonement and Daddy's Last Gift

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I need to bear witness to the greatest miracle I have experienced to this point in my life. 

When I got the call from my sister Karen that my Dad had passed way it came as quite the shock.  We knew he was sick, but we figured we had a little more time left with him.  While his illness may have lingered, when death finally came it came unexpectedly fast.  That was a mercy from the Lord to my parents. 

The next 2 days were spent in a rush and whirlwind of sleepless nights and a to-do list too long to be done, but it was.  That was another blessing from the Lord to me. 

Within 36 hours of my Dad's passing the whole Cornelius family was on an airplane headed to Morgan for the funeral and to be with family.  To say I was tired, overwhelmed, and fighting to keep bursts of tears at bay would be an understatement.  After 2 flight delays and a very long trip from Houston, Hobby Airport to my Mother's front door in Morgan, Utah the last thing I expected to feel was my Dad's presence.  But the Lord provided a miracle for me. 

The moment I stepped foot into my Mother's house I was overwhelmed with the Holy Ghost.  It was as if I was standing at the Judgement Bar with my Father at the moment the Savior embraced him in His loving arms and said, "Kevin you are forgiven of all  your sins.  You are clean."  I have never felt such peace, joy, and love.  In that moment I knew my Dad was perfect through Christ and all was as it should be with him.  I knew he was joyful and happy.  I also knew that in that moment of the Savior's Atonement enveloping my Daddy it was also enveloping his family.  Whether we recognized it as the workings of the Holy Ghost and the power of the Atonement or not, we each of us were touched with healing, love, and forgiveness in our hearts.  Past wrongs were healed and only love and family ties were left among us. 

I have never understood the ripple effect the Atonement has on those lives who touch ours until that moment.  I am overcome with gratitude and love for the eternal, all encompassing love and power of the Savior to heal all things and make all things right.  I am forever grateful for the mercy and miracle of my Dad sharing this amazing moment with me, despite being separated by the Vale of death.  I am humbled at the generosity and love of the Savior for me and for my Dad.  I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. I am humbled and overcome by the beauty and power of the Atonement.  May I live and love in such a way that when it is my turn to stand at the Judgement Bar of God I too can be embraced by my Savior and hear those loving words spoken to me, "You are forgiven of all your sins.  You are clean."  Amen.
An image of Christ and Mary at the tomb, combined with a quote by Elder David A. Bednar: “One of the … purposes of our mortal existence is to be spiritually changed … through the Atonement.”


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