Fun at Grandma's House

The two little boys and I got to stay a couple of extra weeks at Grandma Phillips' house and of course had lots of fun.  Here are a few silly pictures of Grandma House Fun.

Rub a dub, dub.  Two silly boys in the tub!
Checking out Grandpa's ride-on lawn mower.  Maybe this could be his chore next Summer.  ;)  

 We saw snow falling!  It didn't last long and it didn't stick, but we sure had fun tasting it and feeling what it's like to be cold outside!  Brrrr!

 Silly selfie with Mommy.  Duck lips!

We also had fun helping out at Grandma's Primary Cub Scout Pinewood Derby and Pizza dinner party, playing every day with our cousins Madison, Marissa, Kaleb, Anneke, and Zoie, jumping on the trampoline as often and as long as we want, visiting Grandpa Phillips in the cemetery, watching lots of movies, and enjoying beautiful walks around Morgan in the nice autumn weather, to name just a few of the many things we did. 

When we got home to Texas the leaves had started falling here too, so these enterprising young men worked hard to rake them up and earn a little extra spending cash along the way. I love to see my boys work hard!


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