Happy Birthday, Loyd! Party Time!

It's hard to believe that it has already been 11 years since you came into my life and filled it with so much love and so many smiles.  Every day is a joy and an adventure with you.  You have one of the most forgiving and generous hearts I have ever known.  You are filled with compassion and patience for your family and friends. You're mind is a whirlwind of activity and ideas, but somehow you manage to focus it into fun and adventure for those around you.  I love your goofy sense of humor and your melt-my-heart smiles.  I see a future filled with potential and promise for you and I know you came into the world to make it better because I know you make me better every day.  Love you, Loyd!  Happiest of birthdays!  I am so grateful you are eternally my little boy.
Birthday party time at The Play Space with our friend Daniel.


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