Emotional Evolution of a Maeve Time-Out

Here is one of Maeve's many, wonderful works of art.  She is busy drawing fanciful worlds full of amazing creates, and staring herself all day long.  I wish I had enough time to sit and copy them all to the blog to share with the world. 

She has such vivid imagination in her pictures and they are always action packed with excitement.  Take for example the picture above.  Maeve is riding in some sort of motor powered floating piece of land while sharing the air space with a friendly, but fire breathing dragon, as well as the Eye of Cthulhu.  These are not the pink, princess filled pictures of many of her contemporaries.  Maeve has such talent and originality.  I love watching her create. 
Recently she has taken her artistic creativity and used it to express her feelings when she is in her room for time out.  This set of pictures is the evolution of Maeve's most recent time out experience after melting down again at Owen.  I thought she could benefit with some down time and so sent her to her room.  

First, she is sad and checked the box below the sad face to show me she is very sad about going to her room.  
Then, she was feeling hungry.  You can tell because the face in her tummy is mad and it is pointing to the idea of eating cookies.  
 She followed hungry with the need to go potty, as illustrated by the picture below.
Finally, after spending some time on her own to regroup and having a few quiet minutes to play Zoo with her toys Maeve is feeling much better.  One might even say she is having fun in her room.  So, she decided to change her mind on her emotional check list she wrote at the beginning.  She crossed out the sad face and checked the happy face so that I would know she is feeling happy now.  :) 

Well, even though my attempt at giving Maeve a much needed nap failed, at least I still have my magic touch with these two handsome guys :)  Here's Dustin holding his new favorite napping buddy, Little John Axle.

PS: Be warned: this is what happens to your hair line when your cute little soft head is constantly being kissed and rubbed by enthusiastic brothers and sisters.  Poor John.  Not even a month old and already dealing with a receding hair line....


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