Robotic Snake?

The third week of Summer was action packed at our house with a week long Robotics Camp for Loyd and Rebekah and an up close and person wild life encounter with a garter snake in our house.

Loyd and Rebekah had lots of fun making robots, learning how to program, and meeting lots of new friends.

Then after the last day of robotics as we were getting ready to head over to a friend's house a garter snake slithered into the house.  Rebekah screamed, 'KILL I!"  Maeve screamed, "Let me out of the car!  I want to see the snake!!"  The boys all wanted to touch it.  In the end we called animal control to collect our visitor.  We all survived, even the snake, and it gave us a pretty good story for our Friday.  :) 


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