Book of Mormon Camp Fun - a.k.a Scripture Scouts Camp

We are having fun this summer with a few of our friends doing a Book of Mormon themed camp.  Each week we get together to learn about a Scripture Hero from The Book of Mormon, do some fun outdoor crafts and games to help us learn more about our Scripture Hero, talk about why our weekly Hero is so special, eat a yummy snack, and play with our friends. 

What a wonderful way it has been to spend a morning having fun, learning about from the Scriptures, playing with friends, and feeling the Holy Ghost.  I'm so grateful for the inspiration I received from the Holy Ghost to do this fun activity this summer. We'll for sure have to do this again next Summer!
Hunting Stuffed Animals in the Backyard
Last week we made bows and arrows with rubber bands and pencils so we could go hunting like Enos and then played a few games to learn more about might, sincere prayer. Target practice with our newly made weapons was tons of fun for everyone.  Of course we had to end our day with a yummy snack of ice cream prayer sandwiches.  :)

Looking for potential prey


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