Xavier's First Lost Tooth!

Xavier lost his first baby tooth on Thursday!  He woke up for school Thursday morning and his tooth popped right out before he was even done stretching in bed.  :)  Hew as so excited!  We've spent the last two weeks getting daily wiggle updates on the progress of this tooth from him. 

After the tooth fell out we had to convince Xavier not to take it to school for show and tell, and then we had to convince Maeve that it wasn't her tooth fairy tooth.   There was a lot of convincing that went on with this exciting milestone.  :) 

Xavier excitedly put his tooth under his pillow that night.  We are happy to report that the Tooth Fairy was on the ball this week and left him $1 in exchange for his well brushed, cavity free tooth. 

It has been so fun to see Xavier excitedly thrill at this new step toward growing up.  :)


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