January in Southeast Texas - It's Pretty Beautiful!

This month Owen has been working on putting himself into anything that might resemble a box or container. He loves to sit in the blocks buckets, the kitchen toy drawer, and of course the empty popcorn tin we now use for toy animal storage.  This little boy cracks me up all the time with the places he thinks he needs to fold himself up and sit for a while.  :D

However, don't be fooled that he happily stores himself away to safely play with toys for an afternoon.  Owen has also been spending a great deal of time developing his climbing skills.  He's quite good at finding objects around the room he can turn into portable step ladders to get to where he wants to go.  I've had to run to his rescue and save his life even when he isn't aware that his life is in danger on more than one occasion.  I now start to worry when things get a little too quiet around the house.  I never know where I'll find this little boy next!

Rebekah was recognized at school for being an outstanding example of the character trait of Fairness.  We are so proud of her and her ability to set a good example for those around her.  Dustin is happy she got the award for Fairness because now every time one of the kids says, "That's not fair!" we can call our resident Fairness expert to rule on the matter.  She even has a certificate.  However, I'm not sure how well his vision will play out in his favor.  :)

The kids got a starter set of Magna-Tiles for Christmas.  They have gone building crazy with these fun magnetic building toys.  They build shops, castles, slides, towers, and hundreds of other creative things.  They have played with these blocks every day since we got them.  I think they were a pretty good investment in childhood imagination and creativity for our family  :)  Here is a picture of Xavier showing off his tall tower.  It's pretty fun to see what the kids come up with next. 

And, of course, since it is January that can only mean beautiful weather and lots of time outside here in Southeast Texas.  Here's some fun pictures of the kids playing in the backyard sandbox and at one of the local parks this month. I hope you're weather is as nice as our has been!


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