Some Family Firsts for the First Week of February

Loyd in his new Cub Scout Uniform
Loyd turns 8 years old this month and that means he gets to start going to Cub Scouts now.  Grandpa P made sure Loyd had all the right Cub Scout uniform gear (Thank You Grandpa!!!).  That was a huge help and a blessing to this clueless new Scout mom. 

Our first official scout meeting happened to be the Blue and Gold banquet.  So Loyd started off his Scouting experience with a Star Ward Jedi themed bang.  So much fun for the boys!
Jedi Scout Loyd at the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet

Owen had fun learning about Star Wars at the scout banquet too and has been spending most of his time practicing his mad light saber skills on Maeve's bed. Her bed is the most fun to jump on in the house. 
Maeve decided it was time to help a busy mom out and took upon herself the job of feeding Baby O his lunch.  She's quite good at it and I think they both got a kick out of the novelty of it all. :)  Yea for happy helpers and hungry babies getting fed!

This is just a fun picture of a new game Maeve has been excited to play.  She has made this scrap of cardboard into her boat.  It safely ferries Teddy Bear, her shark box of treasures, and herself over the terrifying hot lava that has consumed the floors of our house.  It sure is lucky that she found a sturdy boat to save her from the dangers of hot lava.  :D  I love the imagination this girl has!


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