Science Fair 2015

This Fall Rebekah decided she really wanted to submit a project for the annual School District's Science Fair.  While this meant extra work for me, I couldn't tell my daughter she couldn't participate in a science fair.  What kind of message is that for my girls!  So, I agreed and we set to work.

Rebekah's topic was salinity and buoyancy as demonstrated by making an egg float in salt water.  She did a great job independently researching her topic, devising her experiment, conducting her trials, and writing up her results.  There was a lot less work needed on my end than I originally thought.  Yea!

I have been really impressed by how independent Rebekah has been on this project, just needing my help to get her starting on her research, being a lab assistant to take notes while she conducted her egg floating trials, and providing some moral support and cheer-leading along the way.

Now we get to take all of her wonderful work and make a presentation board.  I've never made one before, but Rebekah put one together in Science class, so I'm looking forward to stepping back and letting her continue to amaze me.  It's really such a wonderful feeling to see your child be independent and excited about learning.

 Yea for Science Fair!

 With all of this fun science experiment stuff going on in the house the other kids were dying to try their hand at playing with water, salt, and eggs too.  It was a science experiment extravaganza!

And even though I have swept my floor 4 times already since our fun science filled afternoon, the floor still fills gritty with salt. Oh the sacrifices we make in the name of science.  ;D


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