Awards and Art

This month we had the fun privilege of watching Xavier recieve the award for Respect at his elementary school's Character Counts assembly.  He is such a great kid.  It's always nice to know that other people can see that too.  :) 

His kindergarten teacher was such a sweetie.  She told me that he is a really amazing kid and that if you gave her a classroom of 100 Xaviers she would have no problem teaching them all.  He's just a fun kid.  :)
We also had a ton of fun at this year's Imagination Celebration, the school district's elementary Arts and Music showcase event.  The kids had a ton of fun checking out the musical instrument petting zoo, exploring lots of fun arts and crafts activities, and admiring the art work of other children.  This is one of our favorite things to do every year.  We are so grateful to live in such a wonderful school district that appreciates and celebrates the importance of art and music in education. Yea for ARTS Education!

Everything Rebekah made had a Dr. Who theme too it.  It was pretty fun to see what she would come up with that was both related to the showcase art/craft and Dr Who at each art table. 


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