Happy Birthday Owen!

Happy 1st birthday to my sweet Baby O!

This year has gone by at an incredible speed as I have had the joy of watching you grow and learn. 

I have loved watching your personality shine as I have gotten to know and love you better as your mother this past year.  From your deliberate approach to crawling, to your much appreciated love and preference for your Mommy, I have seen your loving and thoughtful nature manifest itself.  You have the best giggles, that you save just for us; and you make the funniest little faces when you try new foods, weather you like them or not.  There are few pleasures in life as fun as playing a good game of "Surprise!" or "Peek A Boo" with you, just to hear you giggle hysterically.  You are a joy and delight to watch as you explore this beautiful world and blessed life the Lord has given to you.

I have seen the Light of Christ shine in your beautiful blue eyes as you look on all you meet with love.  I keep pinching myself that you are all mine to cuddle and love.  I think we must have done something right to have such a sweet and gentle little boy sent to join our family. 

Owen, thank you for filling our home with more love, more laughter, more giggles, more sour faces at dinner times, more hugs and kisses, more games and playtime, and more quiet moments of connection and peace. What did we ever do without you?
Owen about to eat his first slice of birthday cake!

I love you, Baby Owen!


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