Oh, Boy

Owen said his first word!  It was Saturday morning, August 22nd, the last Saturday before school started.  Owen was hanging out in bed with me when he said, "Dad! (Burp)" 

Now he says, "Dad" all the time.  You know Dustin is just eating it up.  He gets a big grin on his face whenever he hears his cute baby boy say his name. 

 Owen napping after a long morning of fun.
Batman?  I haven't seen Batman.  Why would you think I know Batman?

Xavier sporting some awesome Toothless face paint at his very first school friend birthday party.  It was a very exciting event for Xavier.  :)
Maeve's new phrase that is cracking us up is, "You're a meenie!" whenever she doesn't get what she wants.  She is the queen after all.  She must be obeyed.  ;)


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