Birthday Girl


Three years ago this month we welcomes this adorable little girl into our family.  We could never image how much love and joy she would bring to us all.

Maeve is Loyd's special buddy.  He has become the perfect big brother to her.  He always is there to play or comfort her whenever they are together.

Maeve is Rebekah's biggest fan.  She carefully watches all that Rebekah does and tried to emulate her big sister.  She has even taken to introducing herself to people as "Bekah" instead of "Meave."  :)  Rebekah has also softened as she caters to her little sister to help her feel loved and happy.

Maeve is Xavier's partner in fun and crime.  They understand perfectly together what it is like to be in the middle, with all the joys and frustrations that entails.

Maeve is Owen's loving big sister, always on the look out to let me know when he needs extra help or care.

Maeve is the twinkle in her father's eye, and the smile in my heart.  We love this precious daughter of God so much.

We enjoy the easy love and joy she shares with all she meets, and the funny little things she says.  We love her ever present smiles and her crazy loud shrieks when things don't go as she demands they should.  We lovingly refer to our Maeve as, "The Queen," because she will be obeyed.  Yet she does try to be a magnanimous monarch.  :)

We are so lucky to have this sweet spirit as part of our eternal family.  Happy Birthday, Maeve!  You are a gift to our family!

We couldn't find any regular birthday candles in the house, so I sent Dustin to the store for some cake toppings and a box of birthday candles.  Well, somehow the candles didn't make it home from the store and the rush hour traffic was a bit more than any dad would want to brave in a single day, so we harkened back to our pioneer roots and made do with what we had in the house.  Maeve was totally excited by our birthday candle fix for her chocolate bunt cake.  We found these great candles in our emergency supplies and enjoyed watching Maeve try to blow them out.

They were a bit harder to blow out than your standard birthday candle, so after a few minutes of heroic, happy huffing and puffing on Maeve's part we had a couple of very obligation big brothers sneakily help her blow them out.  Big brothers are the best at helping a kid sister out of any kind of jam.  :)



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