When One Just Won't Do...

You know you have too much Halloween candy floating around the house when your toddler decides that one sucker at a time just won't do, and you're completely fine with that.  :D

Just some fun pictures of our funny Maeve!  This little girl always has us laughing about something.  She's such a cutie.  :)

 Ah, a sight to warm any mother's heart, her son doing the dishes.  Sure there was more water on Loyd's shirt and on the floor than was use to rinse actual dishes, and I had to mop up when he was done, but I'm not going to turn down help from my ever enthusiastic Loyd.  As the family saying goes, "No man was ever shot while doing the dishes."  The sooner my boys learn that lesson the better.  ;P

Funny Quotes from the Week:

Rebekah:  It's time I started working on getting rich.  Mom, what year do I get married?
Mom:  Most people get married in their 20s, but some get married later.  Why?
Rebekah:  Okay, so I have 12 years to get rich because it's expensive to get married.  You have to pay for kids, you know. 

Xavier:  Mom, how many years before your baby comes out? (I guess anxiously waiting for a little brother - cross your fingers for Xavier - can seem like forever when you are 5 years old)


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