Homework, Plumbing, and Popping, Among Other Things

Loyd and I got to decorate a pumpkin for his school homework with month.  Loyd got to pick one of his favorite characters from a book and then decorate a pumpkin to look like that character.  Loyd has been loving the Buzz Beaker books lately and their fun science concepts, so he decided to make his pumpkin look like Buzz himself.  I drew the outline for Buzz's face and Loyd did a great job painting the pumpkin to really bring it to life.  We had fun doing our little art/literacy project together.  Yea for fun homework!

I also had to document this rare moment of everyone getting along nicely.  It happened last Sunday and Dustin thought I was crazy for wanting to sneak a picture, until three minutes later when they started to bug each other and fight again.  I'm so grateful for moments of peace.  :)

Here's photo documented proof that I'm just about ready to pop!  We just have to make it a few more weeks until Grandma P. gets here and then we can enjoy some new baby fun around here.  At least I have teeny-tiny diapers ready now.  ;)
We also had some plumbing excitement this week.  For Dustin's birthday he asked for the gift of a money-spending free day.  Grad School tuition was gift enough for him this year.  Well, I started out the day with really great intentions and didn't spend a dime, until after breakfast.   As I was scrubbing down bathrooms I noticed the plumbing acting funny.  One visit from the local plumber, a giant hole in the backyard, and a day of reminding the kids not to flush the potty later, we finally got our collapsed pipe repaired and Dustin got the most expensive present of the year, new plumbing. ;) Oh well, what are you going to do?  Sometimes the pipes break, but at least they didn't break under the concrete driveway or flood the house or yard or anything.  It could have been a much bigger deal.  We're thankful for any blessings we get.  I'm grateful for fully functioning, happy plumbing and very helpful plumbers.  Yea for running water!  :)


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