Happy Halloween

Rebekah makes a very fetching giraffe this year, but she was not pleased to have to wait while I took all my pictures of the kids in their cute costumes.  Pictures are the worst when there is important trick-or-treating to be done.  :)
Xavier is very excited to be Chris, the green Wild Kratt brother.  He's ready for some animal adventure excitement in his official creature power suit.  He's ready to get outside and get into nature!
Maeve is the second giraffe that has been roaming our yard of late.  She's been living free and in the wild in her costume.  She's pretty adorable in her little outfit and knows it.  Maeve loved getting candy in her little bag, and couldn't wait to eat her new yummy treats as she was out trick-or-treating, digging out her candy and popping it in her mouth as fast as people could give it to her.  :)
Loyd was very determined to have another fun Angry Bird Halloween.  He loves these costumes Grandma P. made for the kids two Halloween ago.  Nothing makes this little boy feel as loved as wrapping himself in the loving handiwork of his grandmas.  Go Red Angry Bird fun! 
The Cornelius Halloween Crew ready to go trick-or-treating!


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