Birthday Girl

We got to celebrate 7 wonderful years with our beautiful Rebekah this week.  She is my special girl who continually surprises me with her intelligence, work ethic, patience, generosity, kindness, and love.  She teaches me every day through her example.  I am so glad she is part of our family and came to us first to help lead the way for her brothers and sister.  She is a truly choice daughter of Heavenly Father and I am grateful she is part of our family. 

For her birthday we brought [Old] McDonald's Happy Meals to school for lunch with the birthday girl.  She then shared Fruit By the Foot with her class mates.   When she came home she opened up her fun birthday presents.  We played "Heavy, Heavy Hang Over," with the gifts and Xavier inadvertantly wacked her so hard with this gift that it made her cry, but we quickly laughted the tears away, she wished Xavier a $1000, and we got back to the business of opening presents.  It was pretty funny if you weren't the one getting whacked with a box.  :)  We had dinner at Ci-Ci's Pizza, per Rebekah's request, and then came home to eat cake after everyone got their PJs on.  It was a fun day and we all ate too much cake.  :)

Happy Birthday, Bekah!

This is Rebekah's calming influence at work.  She held Maeve for 5 minutes before the poor girl passed out, snuggled up to her big sister.  So cute!


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