The Magical World of Xavier

 Xavier lives in a magical land I thought I would share with you.  For Xavier there are two magical things that explain most of his happy daily experiences. 

1st -The Grocery Store
All objects come from the magical place called "The Grocery Store."  All toys, clothes, food, tools, etc come from " The Grocery Store."  Whenever he pulls out a t-shirts or I open a new jug of milk (his favorite food, by the way) he asks, "Where you get that Mommy?" and then he quickly answers his own question with, "Oh, the grocery store."  If I try to correct him and say that I got the Cookie Monster t-shirt from Target, he will stop me and say, "No, you get it from the grocery store." And that is the end of the conversation as far as he is concerned. 

2nd - The Tooth Fairy
All gifts and surprises come from the Tooth Fairy.  She is the bringer of all surprises and gifts as far as Xavier is concerned.  One morning he woke up and found some left over french fries in the fridge.  He grabbed the container and came running into my bedroom exclaiming, "The Tooth Fairy brought me french fries!  Look!  Look!"  What a nice Tooth Fairy.  :)

Thanks for bringing some magic to our home, Mr Xavier!  


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