How we kept busy this week...

We made good use of Grandma P. while she was here.  She was invaluable in getting kids up, dressed, and fed in time to catch the morning bus to school every morning.  She was also a life saver in keeping busy, curious boys occupied and happy while I enjoyed getting to know new baby Maeve.  Grandma even managed to complete a few big sewing projects that I knew I would never get around to on my own.  We are so glad Grandma P was able to come!  It made for a wonderfully relaxing and productive few weeks.  :)

 Grandma took the boys on several walks to the neighborhood pool to wear them out and to spend some relaxing time in the warm sun.  This is how Loyd relaxes in the pool.  :)

 This is how Xavier spends his time at the pool.  His duck and dinosaur had quite an interesting conversation filled with many quacks and roars. 

 Here is Bekah modeling one of the eight Angry Bird costumes Grandma sewed while she was here.  Grandma was able to make an angry bird costume for all of her grandchildren 6 years old and younger.  I think she managed to make a pretty good looking flock, even if they claim to be grumpy. 

 Grandma even managed to find time to sew a beautiful valance, a matching table cloth, and 3 coordinating pillows for my front room.  I think it looks perfect and a lot better than I had it before.  I love the new look so well that I can't even think of my front room looking any other way.  Thanks Mom!

 We managed to sneak in a keylime cupcake making session into our busy days as well.  The kids and Dustin were especially appreciative of their yummy FHE treat.

We also got to see the final flyover of the space shuttle Endeavour on Wednesday, September 19th.  We eagerly waited outside in the front yard to catch a glimpse of this final flight.  When we heard the roar of the giant jet overhead we ran and jumped and hooted and hollered in excitement at this awesome sight.  We saw it circle around four times!  Rebekah and the boys had never seen anything so exciting.  For days afterwards, anytime the boys heard a jet fly over head they screamed and ran outside in a thrill of excitement hoping to see the space shuttle again.  We are so glad Grandma was able to be here for this historic final flight.  

 Don't think that we didn't spend a lot of time holding and loving our new precious baby.  Loyd can't keep his hands off his new sister.  He is drawn to her by an invisible thread of love and affection.  He cuddles and snuggles her at every moment he can get.  He just can't help himself.  If he sees his little sister he must snuggle her as closely as he can.

 When we can wrestle the baby from Loyd the other children enjoy holding her and looking at her pretty little face.  I guess the saying is true, "You are never so busy as when you are holding a baby."

Audrey, Grandma Phillips, Xavier, Maeve, Rebekah, and Loyd during Grandma's visit to Texas.
Maeve looking so sweet as she naps, or is she praying?  :)
Maeve at 1 week old, wearing a baby dress that Grandma P. saved from when I was a baby.
A picture of what our growing family looks like now. Audrey, Dustin, Maeve, Xavier, Loyd, and Rebekah
 We had such fun with Grandma.  Each day Xavier somehow managed to climb into bed with her in the early morning hours before getting up for the day.  Bekah got to bring her to school and share a special Texas breakfast of kolachies and donuts.  Loyd talked her ear off as he told her of all his discoveries and great ideas.  

Loyd declared that he wanted to keep Grandma for, "all the day long," his version of forever.  I think we all agreed with him.  It was sad to see her go, but we are very thankful she could come. 


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