What to play choo choo trains?

 It was the first week of school this week.  Rebekah had a wonderful time meeting her new teacher, getting to know the kids in her class, and learning her new schedule.  She is excited to have some class guinea pigs to feed and hold, and really enjoys her art and music classes.  Here are the kids on the first day of school waiting for the bus to come.  :)

Loyd wants to know when he can go back to school too.  I'm afraid it will be a long wait for him and for me until preschool starts in October.  Hang in there buddy!

Because I'm getting to tired and pregnant to be of much fun we have been coming up with low key ideas for keeping busy while Daddy is at work and Bekah is at school.  The boys love blowing bubbles and sitting outside.  I like watching them from inside the house. ;)

Xavier LOVES to play trains.  He asks everyone all day long, "Want to play choo choo trains?"  When we say yes he gets a big grin, does a little dance and runs for the tracks.  He's such a cutie.  I fell asleep the other day while he was still up and around the house.  Desperate to have someone play trains with him, he brought the train tracks to me and built a nice little track so he could play by me while I napped.  I felt a bit like Gulliver when the Lilliputians discovered him as I awoke to being surrounded by train tracks and tiny trains going "Choo Choo!"


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