It's My Birthday Too, Ya!

Sharing his birthday with the great John Lennon, we celebrated Xavier's 2nd birthday today. He has been a joy in our family and I don't know what we would do without him. His cute giggles, mischievous grins, and constant running from place to place keep a smile on everyone's face.

To celebrate this milestone out of moving out of babyhood and into the official toddler years, we took the family to the Fall Festival at Rebekah's elementary school. The kids played games, won prizes, got their faces painted and ate lots of junk food. Everyone had a great time. Bekah even won Xavier's birthday cupcakes from the cake walk game. Thanks Rebekah! After all the fun that could be had was over we came home and the kids and the daddy took a much needed nap. After nap time we pulled out the birthday cupcakes and present and sang a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" to our Mr. X.

Xavier had a tough time blowing those pesky candles out. However, thanks to some perseverance, valiant blowing, and a little help from some friends, Xavier finally got both candles blown out!

Good job little man!

Cupcakes were passed out and the birthday boy opened his presents. Don't worry that Xavier missed out on either one. He ate his cake and made sure Mr. Lightyear had some frosting too. He has always been very thoughtful like that.

In the end, new toys were way more fun to play with than eating a silly old cupcake. The poor cupcake remained half eaten and giggles were heard throughout the house as everyone shared in the fun of breaking in Xavier's new toys.

Doesn't our birthday boy look so happy after a fun afternoon of carnival games and prizes? I'm so glad he had such fun. ;>P

Xavier's New Toddler Milestones:
  1. Epic crying temper tantrums
  2. Excellent use of the "Stink Eye"
  3. The BEST pout face you have ever seen in your life. Yes, there is a lip quiver and pathetic sniffing is involved.
  4. A sudden distaste for anything mom cooks for dinner
  5. His growing vocabulary suddenly shrinking to one word, "No!"
  6. Forgetting how to share
  7. Learning the joys of "Mine!"
  8. Running around the house at 3:30AM because no crib can contain him any longer
  9. Sweet, slobbery kisses on the cheek
  10. Reading lots of fun books with mommy while snuggled in a chair
  11. Big, happy, toothy grins
  12. Being strong enough and big enough to wrestle with Loyd and not get hurt
  13. Learning all of the hand actions to the songs, "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree," and "I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home"

I love you Xavier! I'm looking forward to exploring the toddler years with you!


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