
Rebekah's Story About Loyd
Loyd gets into trouble with the scissors. Mom says, "No, Loyd! Put the scissors back." And Loyd did not listen. The end.

Things We Have Had to Loyd-Proof Since Turning 3 Years Old
  • The Freezer - This happened when we found him hiding ice cream under his bed.
  • The Hall Closet - To keep him out of the "scun scream" and water color paint, among other things.
  • The Artwork in the Hall
  • All of the cabinets in the kitchen containing cooking tools
  • Any Pickle Jars in the House
  • Grapes
  • Danimal Yogurt Drinks
  • Brownies Anywhere in the House
  • Lunchables
  • His Bedroom Door
  • My Bedroom Door
  • Bekah's Bedroom Door
  • My Bathroom Door
  • The Entire Garage
  • The Time-Out Corner

Silly Things Loyd Says

  • "What happens if I stick a rolly-polly (bug) up my nose?"
  • "If I put [hand] sanitizer up my nose will I breath fire!?" - I told him it would burn if he put it up his nose. This was a response to that information.
  • "That's what boys do!" - He says this every time I ask him why he does something silly or crazy.
  • "Don't forget the scun scream (sun screen)."

"Dad's Morning Routine" by Rebekah
That's the alarm clock ringing on the night stand by the bed. Bekah said I'm not in the bed because I'm up and making breakfast already. That part of her story is clearly a work of imaginative fiction. All other events depicted are true. :)

Thanks to Rebekah for her artwork contributions to this week's post.


Okay this post is hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing about the ice cream hiding under the bead! Sounds like Caroline!! Hope you guys are doing well! miss you!

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